Monday, August 18, 2008


OK here we go again.
Is it just me or does it seem like a huge coincidence that it was almost three years ago to the day that the whole Coast 2 Coast debacle took place in which a certain "World Renowned Bigfoot Hunter" went on a nationally syndicated radio show claiming that his "team" had captured a live Bigfoot/Sasquatch creature. Going as far as giving a description of the thing. As well as saying they had veterinarians there treating the thing creature as it was injured. Then when the radio host asked for pictures he said they would be forthcoming. Which they never showed up.
Then a few days later on the same show "The Bigfoot Hunter" came on and said he was duped. That a woman who was close to a old business partner (who hoaxed a lot of Bigfoot pics and videos) wife had made all of this up and had deceived him. Which (playing devils advocate here) could be possible. But you don't give a full description of a creature on the radio that you haven't see with your own eyes. Now fast forward 2 years and 361 days, he calls a press conference which not only went nation wide it went global as well. Once again claiming to have a body and this time having DNA evidence to back his claim, Now the difference between then and now is he has two other guys involved to perpetrate this hoax. Well he "the bf Hunter" had pics of the body of the creature in a freezer and they were mysteriously appeared on the net. and where were they posted on his site . Now there were claims that come from his camp that his site was hacked and some one posted the pics oh his own website? WTF? Most of us in the Bigfoot world knew when the pics came out that it was a huge pile of stinking shit. And not only when the pics came out but when the bf hntrs name was attached to this situation. But some in the Bigfoot world bought it hook line and sinker. Granted these were relative newcomers to the world of Bigfoot.
Now on to another point of discussion that has pooped up over the course of this cluster f@#k.
People are crying this is going to destroy any creditability that the Bigfoot community has slowly built up. Well I hate to burst your bubble but the community has no real creditability. The general public thinks we are all a joke any way.
So lets just move on and deal with the next set of hoaxers that come along. The Bigfoot Hunter is dead in the water as far as the Bigfoot community goes and now after the spectacle that was the press conference that might as well go for the media also .

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

back again

Well here I am again back with more rambling First off the whole Georgia Bigfoot body situation.Why is everyone up in arms over this? Is it because we as the Bigfoot community (I use that term lightly)been jaded many many times of people claiming to have a body or better film or pictures than the pg film then all ends up as a blob squatch or just a hoax. Or is it jealousy? I mean there are groups out there that have been trying for years to harvest a body and to have a couple of guys stumble on a body would be something to consider in the backlash that has happen in the bf world.My only problem with the "Georgia boys" Is and this is my OPINION!!!!!! Their way of making videos on you tube and pissing the whole community off instead of fighting back at the ones who were causing them the most grief. They came off as a bunch of hill jack rednecks. Things could of been handled differently and a lot of this crap could of been avoided. Now then here's another opinion of mine. I have no problem with them having a body or not.Ya see I'm in a win win situation. If they do have a body then I can tell the nay Sayers ha ha kiss my ass I told you so.On the flip side if they don't produce a body then its going to make great entertainment for me. I guess I have a sick sense of whats entertaining.
Now on to other stuff. I have had about all I can stand with the bf world. Its the same old shit rehashed over and over again. I know I have said before I'm taking a break from it but the events of the last year had really jaded me to damn near every thing. So as to the community it self I'm fading into the back ground. The USBRAwill continue to follow up reports we get and as far as the radio show goes well that's up in the air Im not the only one that feels this way well that's all for now Remember if ya don't like me BITE ME!!!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My First Post

OK folks grab a cold drink,get a snack, sit back as I take you on a journey into my warped and some what demented mind. First off if your easily offended nows the time to stop reading.I'll give you a second to leave before I start. ..... For everyone who is still here, well you were warned.
I have been doing a bunch of soul searching here as of late and have determined that theres a whole lot that pisses me off than makes me happy about being a Sasquatch witness/researcher. The attacks on people in this (dare I say community ?) No wait a minute a community some what cares for its members. I have seen in the Last month a good hearted member of this "community" driven out as like some kind of deviant . And for what? A theory? Well if that's the case then there shouldn't even be a "community" then. Everything is a damned theory. This creature we seek doesn't exist to the mainstream public. Its just a figment of imagination of a bunch of freaking wackos freaks and charlatans. You have people stating theories that can actually happen in the realm of reality but they are ripped to shreds over it while a Handful of people who have been drinking kool-aid that is laced with God knows what making claims that a creature they are familiar with comes to the door asking for garlic, follows them to a conference hundreds of miles away from their area, goes into a store and buys bib overalls at a store where a big wrestler used to buy his clothes and the latest two things is they communicate telepathically to them and a sound recording that sounds so fake even Stevie Wonder and the late Ray Charles could see is fake they're claiming some one needs to analyze the sounds cause the thing is speaking English and even translated what it said. Well I thought it said "eat at Joe's diner" but that's just me . Or we got two other people who have had a movie made about them that these people see Bigfoot in every picture they snap. Not only Bigfoot creatures but "demons" "werewolves" '"aliens" all running around their research area. And these people didnt get ripped to shreds? Granted the kool-aid nation leader was ripped when she and another woman put out a book but Damn they didn't have whole radio shows dedicate two weeks to trying to destroy them .
Now on to backstabbers, back sliders and fence hoppers.There are a few people who fit this group to a T. You have people who will agree to your face and as soon as your back is turned they are over with another group of individuals turning their backs on what they just agreed with you on. Pick a side for gods sake!!!!!! stick with it and grow some balls. Now on to people who say the are your "good friends" and then stab that good friend in the back and not taking responsibility for it when busted on it and still try blaming others for it . Which has happen with as mentioned above good hearted member. Its OK to be a fence rider if you are not sure about which side you agree with most. As long as you don't hop from side to side just to be popular in some peoples eyes. That's no good for you or anyone in this deal.
Here's something that may shock some of you reading this but i even piss my self off from time to time. I even get caught up in the politics of this crap. I'm not going to sit here and act holier than thou and talk down to anyone cause I've been known to rip into people once in a while. Did the ones I lay into deserve it? More times than not yes they did. It takes quite a bit to piss me off when it comes to the so called "community" but from what I've seen in the last two months has done it . The "community has gone straight to Hell in a freaking handbag.
Its all about egos. You got people putting theories that were stated in a some what private conversation with a few researchers on their blog/website which starts a shit storm and is causing undo stress on a man who is getting up in years who has a heart condition to begin with not to mention causes a few people in this "community" to drive out a person who has devoted 10 plus years to the study of the PG film to which a lot of people have built their work off of his. Then you got a guy who is a World renowned cryptozoologist who has not once but twice now come to the net to beg for money. The first time it was for keeping the blog site up and running. Now its to keep the International Crypto Museum / his house from being seized by the IRS. or foreclose which ever comes first. There's no wonder people think were all idiots. They see this shit and their points seem valid. No wonder a few people in this "community" are starting to distance themselves from it . I for one am in that group. My show on blog talk has changed so much and is still changing. Well that's all for my first blog post. I'm out